
The ___________ filter circuit results in the best voltage regulation

A. choke input

B. capacitor input

C. resistance input

D. none of the above

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In electronics, the type of filter circuit used in a power supply has a significant impact on its voltage regulation. The question is asking which type of filter circuit results in the best voltage regulation.

A choke input filter (Option A) is known for providing the best voltage regulation among the given options. It offers a smoother and more stable output voltage by using an inductor (choke) to filter the rectified AC voltage.

A capacitor input filter (Option B) is commonly used in power supplies but does not provide as good voltage regulation as the choke input filter.

A resistance input filter (Option C) is not a common type of filter for power supplies and does not provide the best voltage regulation.

So, the correct answer is Option A: choke input, which results in the best voltage regulation.

This Question Belongs to Electrical Engineering >> Semiconductor Diode

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  1. Peas
    Peas :
    8 months ago

    How?? I'm not understand. 🙄

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