
The main objective of providing depreciation is to

A. Calculate the true net profit

B. Compute the actual cash profit

C. Create funds for replacement of fixed assets

D. Reduce tax burden

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The main objective of providing depreciation is to Create funds for replacement of fixed assets. The main objective of charging depreciation is to accumulate adequate fund to replace old asset with the new one after the useful life. Depreciation is charged to fixed assets which helps to show the current value of the asset.

This Question Belongs to Commerce >> Accounting

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Ramneek Sharma
    Ramneek Sharma :
    1 year ago

    Option A is correct

  2. Bahar Ali
    Bahar Ali :
    6 years ago

    the main objective of providing depreciation is to = show true net profit position by avoiding inflating or deflating the net profit.
    providing funds for replacement of asset is the secondary objective

  3. Ramesh Chilaka
    Ramesh Chilaka :
    6 years ago

    Option a is correct.

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