The planet with the maximum number of satellites is ________.
A. Uranus
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
D. Neptune
Answer: Option B
Solution(By Examveda Team)
The planet with the maximum number of satellites is Jupiter.By most counts, Jupiter has between 80 and 95 moons, which is the highest number among the planets in our solar system.
This count includes a diverse array of moons, ranging from large Galilean moons like Ganymede and Europa to numerous smaller irregular moons.
The Jovian system is complex, encompassing not just moons but also rings and a multitude of asteroids, making it the planet with the most extensive satellite system.
Correct answer is Saturn 🪐 with which have currently 146 moons
Now it is Jupitar as it has 92 satellites
Now the current answer is jupiter hai 92 moom
According to New Report of NASA Saturn has 81 moons. So correct Answer is Saturn
Please update your answer