
The poor fellow can't even afford daily food, . . . . . . . alone buying a house.

A. cast

B. forget

C. let

D. leave

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Option A: cast
Explanation: This option doesn't fit the context of the sentence. The word "cast" doesn't convey the idea of being unable to afford something financially.

Option B: forget
Explanation: This option doesn't fit the context of the sentence either. The word "forget" doesn't convey the idea of financial constraints.

Option C: let
Explanation: This option also doesn't fit the context of the sentence. The word "let" doesn't convey the idea of being unable to afford something financially.

Option D: leave
Explanation: This is the correct option. The word "leave" is often used in the context of being unable to do something due to financial limitations. In this sentence, "leave" conveys the idea that the person can't even afford daily food, let alone buying a house. This option fits the context and meaning of the sentence.

This Question Belongs to Competitive English >> Sentence Completion

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Tofazzalhossain Misbah
    Tofazzalhossain Misbah :
    9 months ago


  2. Tanvir Mredul
    Tanvir Mredul :
    1 year ago

    It will be "Let"

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