
What is Bum?

A. Too much exposure of a negative to light

B. Bringing of the image of negative to a positive

C. Exposing a printing plate to a high intensity light or placing an image on a printing plate by light

D. None of these

Answer: Option C

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A. The Chief editor of a newspaper

B. A subtext or person who always gets favourable news treatments in a newspaper

C. A politician who is quite often censured by a newspaper (in its editorials)

D. None of these

Why is there a need to promote development journalism in India?

A. India is a poor country; it ought to be developed at a quick pace and for that purpose, development journalists are needed

B. India is a developing country; in order to hasten the pace of her development on the right track, development journalist are required to collect the news and disseminate the same in all parts of the country

C. The new breed of development journalist has been created because of our new media policies. Like all other journalist, development journalist are also in vogue (in India)

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