
What is the difference between a block and a proc in Ruby?

A. A proc can be passed directly to methods, while a block needs to be converted into an object

B. A proc is an anonymous function, while a block is a named function

C. A block can be passed directly to methods, while a proc needs to be converted into an object

D. A block is an anonymous function, while a proc is a named function

Answer: Option C

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A. A chunk of code that can be passed to methods as an argument

B. A data structure for storing multiple values

C. A special type of object that holds code to be executed

D. A method that can be invoked with different arguments

How do you define a block in Ruby?

A. By using the keyword block followed by square brackets []

B. By using the keyword block followed by parentheses ()

C. By defining a method with the keyword block

D. By enclosing code within curly braces {}

What is a proc in Ruby?

A. A method that takes no arguments

B. A predefined set of instructions

C. A block that has been converted into an object

D. A data structure for storing key-value pairs

How do you create a proc in Ruby?

A. By using the create_proc function

B. Using the Proc.new method or the -> (stabby lambda) syntax

C. By invoking the proc keyword followed by parentheses ()

D. By using the create_proc function