When a mortgagee acquires a portion of equity of redemption, the mortgage is not extinguished completely. There can be only a pro tanto extinguishment of the mortgage right to the extent of the mortgagee acquiring the mortgagor's interest and so far as the other sharer of the equity of redemption is concerned, the mortgagee will subsist. This was held in case of:
A. Satyapal v. Rakayyabai, AIR 1993 Bom 203
B. Madhavan v. Madhavan, AIR 1994 Ker 75
C. Tamboli Ramanlal Motilal v. Gharchi Chimanlal Keshavlal, AIR 1992 SC 1236
D. Hathika v. Puthiyapurayil Padmanathan, AIR 1994 Ker 141
Answer: Option B
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