
When slack of an activity is positive

A. It represents a situation where extra resources are available and the completion of project is not delayed

B. It represents that a programme falls behind schedule and additional resources are required to complete the project in time

C. The activity is critical and any delay in its performance will delay the completion of whole project

D. Any one of the above

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

When slack of an activity is positive - it represents a situation where extra resources are available and the completion of the project is not delayed.
When slack of an activity is negative - it represents that a program falls behind schedule and additional resources are required to complete the project in time.
When slack of an activity is zero - the activity is critical and any delay in its performance will delay the completion of the whole project.

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  1. Mecha Mecha
    Mecha Mecha :
    6 years ago

    Ans should be A

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