When the cutting edge of the tool is dull, then during machining
A. Continuous chips are formed
B. Discontinuous chips are formed
C. Continuous chips with built-up edge are formed
D. No chips are formed
Answer: Option C
A. Continuous chips are formed
B. Discontinuous chips are formed
C. Continuous chips with built-up edge are formed
D. No chips are formed
Answer: Option C
The carbide tools operating at very low cutting speeds (below 30 m/min)
A. Reduces tool life
B. Increases tool life
C. Have no effect on tool life
D. Spoils the work piece
The type of reamer used for reaming operation in a blind hole, is
A. Straight fluted reamer
B. Left hand spiral fluted reamer
C. Right hand spiral fluted reamer
D. Any one of these
High speed steel tools retain their hardness up to a temperature of
A. 250°C
B. 350°C
C. 500°C
D. 900°C
Dull cutting edge requires more force to perform cutting processe due to which more heat will be generated and that heat will cause the melting of material (slight melting) and that melted material welds with tools edge called as Build Up Edge.
Due to more heat develop there will be melting of machined surface and that will cause a little form of welding due to which an irregular edge will form called build up edge.