Which cloud computing platform provides services such as Azure Machine Learning for building and deploying machine learning models?
A. Microsoft Azure
B. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
C. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
D. IBM Cloud
Answer: Option A
A. Microsoft Azure
B. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
C. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
D. IBM Cloud
Answer: Option A
Which programming language is commonly used for data analysis and visualization in data science?
A. Python
B. R
C. Java
D. C++
What does "SQL" stand for in the context of data science?
A. Structured Query Language
B. Statistical Query Language
C. Scripting Query Language
D. Scientific Query Language
A. Matplotlib
B. Seaborn
C. Plotly
D. Pandas
A. Git
B. Jupyter Notebook
C. PyCharm
D. Sublime Text
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