Which event is fired when a document and all of its external resources are fully loaded and displayed to the user?
A. Window
B. Load
C. Element
D. Handler
Answer: Option B
A. Window
B. Load
C. Element
D. Handler
Answer: Option B
Which function among the following lets to register a function to be invoked once?
A. setTimeout()
B. setTotaltime()
C. setInterval()
D. none of the mentioned
A. setTimeout()
B. setTotaltime()
C. setInterval()
D. none of the mentioned
Which is the handler method used to invoke when uncaught JavaScript exceptions occur?
A. Onhalt
B. Onerror
C. Both onhalt and onerror
D. None of the mentioned
Which property is used to obtain browser vendor and version information?
A. modal
B. version
C. browser
D. navigator
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