Which of the following are not advanced services?
A. Data storage
B. Networking
C. XMLHttpRequest object
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option D
A. Data storage
B. Networking
C. XMLHttpRequest object
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: Option D
What are the events generated by the Node objects called?
A. generators
B. emitters
C. dispatchers
D. highevents
What is the function used to deregister event handler ‘f’?
A. deleteAllListeners(name)
B. deleteListener(name,f)
C. removerListener(name,f)
D. removeAllListeners(name)
What is the function used to remove all handlers for name events?
A. deleteAllListeners(name)
B. deleteListener(name,f)
C. removerListener(name,f)
D. removeAllListeners(name)
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