
Which of the following is Cloud Platform by Amazon?

A. Azure


C. Cloudera

D. All of the mentioned

Answer: Option B

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Among the options presented, the Cloud Platform offered by Amazon is represented by Option B: AWS. Let's explore this further:

Option A: Azure is a cloud computing platform provided by Microsoft, not Amazon.

Option C: Cloudera is a company that offers services related to big data and analytics, not a direct cloud platform provided by Amazon.

Option D: All of the mentioned is incorrect in this context. While Azure and Cloudera are mentioned, they don't apply to Amazon's cloud platform.

Option B: AWS is the acronym for Amazon Web Services. It is Amazon's comprehensive and widely used cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of cloud services, including computing power, storage, databases, analytics, networking, and more. AWS is one of the most prominent cloud platforms in the industry, offering scalable and flexible solutions to individuals, businesses, and organizations.

So, the correct answer is Option B: AWS, as it correctly represents the Cloud Platform provided by Amazon.

This Question Belongs to Computer Science >> Cloud Computing

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