Yathish Yathi
Yathish Yathi
5 years ago

Which of the following is not a concept of responsibility?

A. Minimalist

B. Maximalist

C. Reasonable care

D. Good works

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The concept of responsibility can be understood in various ways, and different people or contexts may emphasize different aspects of it. However, among the options you provided, "D. Good works" is not typically considered a concept of responsibility.

A. Minimalist and B. Maximalist often refer to different approaches to responsibility, with Minimalism emphasizing a minimal or narrow set of responsibilities and Maximalism advocating for a broader or more extensive set of responsibilities.

C. "Reasonable care" is another concept related to responsibility, which implies taking appropriate precautions and acting in a manner that is considered reasonable in a given situation to prevent harm or fulfill one's obligations.

"D. Good works" is a broader ethical or moral concept related to doing positive actions and helping others but is not typically framed as a specific concept of responsibility. Responsibility usually refers to one's obligations, duties, or being accountable for certain actions or tasks.

So, the answer is D. Good works.

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  1. Kanya Kumari
    Kanya Kumari :
    6 months ago


  2. Sushma B
    Sushma B :
    4 years ago

    Answer plzz

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