Which of the following is not related to Kerr effects?
A. Self-phase modulation
B. Cross-phase modulation
C. Four-wave mixing
D. Stimulated Raman Scattering
Answer: Option D
A. Self-phase modulation
B. Cross-phase modulation
C. Four-wave mixing
D. Stimulated Raman Scattering
Answer: Option D
A. Dispersion-flattened single mode fiber
B. Dispersion-enhanced single mode fiber
C. Dispersion-compressed single mode fiber
D. Dispersion-standardized single mode fiber
Photonic crystal fibers also called as . . . . . . . .
A. Conventional fibers
B. Dotted fibers
C. Stripped fibers
D. Holey fibers
An optical fiber behaves as a birefringence medium due to differences in . . . . . . . .
A. Effective R-I and core geometry
B. Core-cladding symmetry
C. Transmission/propagation time of waves
D. Refractive indices of glass and silica
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