
Which of the following pair is not correct

A. Little bee - Apis florea

B. Indian bee - Apis cerana indica

C. Giant or rock bee - Apis dorsata

D. Italian bee - Melipona irridipennis

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

A. Little bee - Apis florea
Apis florea is unique for its morphology, foraging behavior and defensive mechanisms like making a piping noise. Apis florea has open nests and small colonies, which makes them more susceptible to predation than cavity nesters with large numbers of defensive workers.
B. Indian bee - Apis cerana indica
Apis cerana indica, the Indian honey bee, is a subspecies of Asiatic honey bee. They usually build multiple combed nests in tree hollows and man-made structures. These bees can adapt to living in purpose-made hives and cavities.
C. Giant or rock bee - Apis dorsata
Giant honey bees are the largest of the honey bee species. The Giant honey bee (Apis dorsata) is very large (17 - 20 mm long) however its colour is quite similar to the European honey bee, with golden, black and pale bands on the abdomen and a hairy thorax.
D. Italian bee - Melipona irridipennis is not correctly matched.
Apis mellifera ligustica is the Italian bee. The Italian honey bee is endemic to the continental part of Italy, south of the Alps, and north of Sicily.

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