Which of the following WLAN standard has been named Wi-Fi?
A. IEEE 802.6
B. IEEE 802.15.4
C. DSSS IEEE 802.11b
D. IEEE 802.11g
Answer: Option C
A. IEEE 802.6
B. IEEE 802.15.4
C. DSSS IEEE 802.11b
D. IEEE 802.11g
Answer: Option C
What is wireless communication?
A. Sending data from one location to with the use of physical medium
B. Sending data from one location to another without the use of physical medium
C. Sending data from one location to another without the use of virtual medium
D. None of the mentioned
Why wireless communication is used?
A. It enables billions of people to connect to the Internet
B. Lowers the cost of network infrastructure
C. Makes services more inexpensive
D. All of the mentioned
Which of the following is a type of wireless communication?
D. All of the mentioned
Which of the following is not an example of wireless communication?
A. Wi-Fi
B. Mobiles
C. Landline
D. Wireless Computer Parts
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