
Which one of the following is not a reserved keyword for C?

A. auto

B. case

C. main

D. default

E. register

Answer: Option C

This Question Belongs to C Program >> C Fundamentals

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Comments ( 5 )

  1. Swa Subramani
    Swa Subramani :
    6 years ago

    auto- default storage class and variables declares inside the function.
    case- must be unique
    register - stored in the CPU register of the processor
    default- no associated value , only reserved value
    main- c program execution begins and it is not a reserved keyword

  2. Alekhya Malla
    Alekhya Malla :
    7 years ago

    because main() can't be used as an identifier so it is a reserved keyword

  3. Pundari Kaksha
    Pundari Kaksha :
    7 years ago

    Because main() is a Function.

  4. Shyama Sundar
    Shyama Sundar :
    7 years ago

    option C

  5. Ajeet Charan
    Ajeet Charan :
    8 years ago

    so..main is not a keyword...??

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