A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in half the time take by A. Then, working together, what part of the same work they can finish in a day ?

A can knit a pair of socks in 3 days. B can knit the same pair of socks in 9 days. If they are knitting together, then in how many days will they knit two pairs of socks ?

P can complete $$\frac{1}{4}$$ of a work in 10 days, Q can complete 40% of the same work in 145 days. R, complete $$\frac{1}{3}$$ of the work in 13 days and S, $$\frac{1}{6}$$ of the work in 7 days. Who will be able complete the work first ?

George takes 8 hours to copy a 50-page manuscript while Sonia can copy the same manuscript in 6 hours. How many hours would it take them to copy a 100-page manuscript, if they work together ?

A and B together complete a piece of work in T days. If A alone completes the work in T + 3 days and B alone completes the piece of work in T + 12 days, what is T ?

A can do a piece of work in 20 days and B in 40 days. If they work together for 5 days, then the fraction of the work that is left is ?

If there is a reduction in the number of workers in a factory in the ratio 15 : 11 and an increment in their wages in the rate 22 : 25, then the ratio by which the total wages of the workers should be decreased is = ?

x does $$\frac{1}{4}$$ of a job in 6 days. y completes rest of the job in 12 days. Then x and y could complete the job together in = ?

Reena, Aastha and Shloka can independently complete a piece of work in 6 hours, 4 hours and 12 hours respectively. If they work together, how much time will they take to complete that piece of work ?

Amit and Sumit can plough a field in 4 days. Sumit alone can plough the field in 6 days. In how many days will Amit alone plough the feild ?

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