
12345679 × 72 is equal to -

A. 88888888

B. 999999998

C. 888888888

D. 898989898

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

12345679 × 72
Shortcut method :
Since 72 is factor of 9, So the answer should be divisible by 9.
Now check with option by adding the digits of option and check which one is divisible by 9.
Here option (c) 888888888 is divisible by 9, so this is the multiple of 12345679 × 72

12345679 x 72
= 12345679 x (70 +2)
= 12345679 x 70 + 12345679 x 2
= 864197530 + 24691358
= 888888888

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Number System

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