
A person spends Rs. 8100 in buying some tables at Rs. 1200 each and some chairs at Rs. 300 each. The ratio of the number of chairs to that of tables when the maximum possible number of tables is purchased,

A. 1 : 2

B. 1 : 4

C. 2 : 1

D. 5 : 7

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Maximum possible number of tables = 6
[∵ 1200 × 6 = 7200]
Number of chairs purchased
$$\eqalign{ & {\text{ = }}\frac{{{\text{8100}} - {\text{7200}}}}{{{\text{300}}}}{\text{ = }}\frac{{{\text{900}}}}{{{\text{300}}}}{\text{ = 3}}{\text{}} \cr & {\text{Hence,}} \cr & {\text{Required ratio}} = {\text{3}}:{\text{6}} \cr & {\text{ = 1}}:{\text{2}} \cr} $$

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Ratio

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