
If $$\frac{2}{3}$$ of A=75% of B = 0.6 of C, then A : B : C is

A. 2 : 3 : 3

B. 3 : 4 : 5

C. 4 : 5 : 6

D. 9 : 8 : 10

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

$$\eqalign{ & {\text{According}}\,{\text{to}}\,{\text{thequestion,}} \cr & {\frac{{2A}}{3}} = {\frac{{75B}}{{100}}} = {\frac{{C \times 6}}{{10}}} \cr & {\text{Above}}\,{\text{relation}}\,{\text{gives}}; \cr & \frac{{A \times 2}}{3} = \frac{{B \times 3}}{4} \cr & \to \frac{A}{B} = \frac{9}{8} \cr & {\text{And}}, \cr & \frac{{B \times 3}}{4} = \frac{{C \times 3}}{5} \cr & \to \frac{B}{C} = 4:5 \cr & \to \frac{B}{C} = 8:10 {\text{ (multiple by 2)}} \cr & {\text{Thus,}} \cr & A:B:C = 9:8:10 \cr} $$

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Ratio

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Comments ( 6 )

  1. Abhiney Khawas
    Abhiney Khawas :
    3 years ago

    Why multiply by 2 please

    TMP MANI :
    4 years ago

    Why at last we need to multiple by 2?

  3. Hardi Shah
    Hardi Shah :
    5 years ago

    Last step
    A:B = 9:8
    B:C = 4:5
    Taking lcm for b, it is 8. So we multiply by 2. We get B:C = (4:5) * 2
    = 8:10
    So, a:b:c = 9:8:10

  4. Bahauddin Jami
    Bahauddin Jami :
    6 years ago

    C=100, so, B=60 then A will be 60*75%*2/3=30..
    Ratio can be= 3:6:10

  5. Raveena Vijay
    Raveena Vijay :
    7 years ago

    B/C= 4/5
    How come it's 8/10?

  6. Arya Mohanan
    Arya Mohanan :
    7 years ago

    How get 8:10

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