
A pre-stressed rectangular beam which carries two concentrated loads W at $$\frac{{\text{L}}}{3}$$ from either end, is provided with a bent tendon with tension P such that central one-third portion of the tendon remains parallel to the longitudinal axis, the maximum dip h is

A. $$\frac{{{\text{WL}}}}{{\text{P}}}$$

B. $$\frac{{{\text{WL}}}}{{2{\text{P}}}}$$

C. $$\frac{{{\text{WL}}}}{{3{\text{P}}}}$$

D. $$\frac{{{\text{WL}}}}{{4{\text{P}}}}$$

Answer: Option C

This Question Belongs to Civil Engineering >> RCC Structures Design

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Abhishek Raj
    Abhishek Raj :
    4 years ago

    Reaction Ra = W.

    Reaction Rb = W.

    Bending Moment at Center of the Beam = [W * (L/3 + L/6) ]-[W* (L/6) ].

    = WL/3.

    Now Moment due to prestressing force = P*h (h= maximum dip).

    Dip required => P*h = WL/3.

    Therefore h = WL/3P.

  2. Sudhir Patel
    Sudhir Patel :
    7 years ago


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B. Greater than 4 kg/cm2, but less than 20 kg/cm2, shear reinforcement is provided

C. Greater than 20 kg/cm2, the size of the section is changed

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