A teacher should be
A. Honest
B. Diligent
C. Dutiful
D. Punctual
Answer: Option C
A. Honest
B. Diligent
C. Dutiful
D. Punctual
Answer: Option C
Most important work of teacher is
A. To organize teaching work
B. To deliver lecture in class
C. To take care of children
D. To evaluate the students
Environmental education should be taught in schools because
A. It will affect environmental pollution
B. It is important part of life
C. It will provide job to teachers
D. We cannot escape from environment
At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because
A. It develops self-confidence in children
B. It makes learning easy
C. It is helpful in intellectual development
D. It helps children in learning in natural atmosphere
What is the most important quality of a good teacher?
1. Punctuality and sincerity.
2. Content mastery.
3. Content mastery and reactive.
4. Content mastery nad sociable.