
A thermostatic expansion valve in a refrigeration system

A. Ensures the evaporator completely filled with refrigerant of the load

B. Is suitable only for constant load systems

C. Maintains different temperatures in evaporator in proportion to load

D. None of the above

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

A thermostatic expansion valve in a refrigeration system Ensures the evaporator completely filled with refrigerant of the load

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Nusselt number (NN) is given by

A. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{{\text{h}}l}}{{\text{k}}}$$

B. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{\mu {{\text{c}}_{\text{p}}}}}{{\text{k}}}$$

C. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{\rho {\text{V}}l}}{\mu }$$

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