
A valve which maintains a constant degree of superheat at the end of the evaporator coil, is called

A. Automatic expansion valve

B. High side float valve

C. Thermostatic expansion valve

D. Low side float valve

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Low Side Float Valves. The low side float type of the throttling valve is usually used in the flooded type of the refrigeration plants
A valve which maintains a constant degree of superheat at the end of the evaporator coil, is called Low Side Float Valves.

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Nusselt number (NN) is given by

A. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{{\text{h}}l}}{{\text{k}}}$$

B. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{\mu {{\text{c}}_{\text{p}}}}}{{\text{k}}}$$

C. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{\rho {\text{V}}l}}{\mu }$$

D. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{{{\text{V}}^2}}}{{{\text{t}}{{\text{c}}_{\text{p}}}}}$$