Consider the following statements :
Diversification of farm production helps the farmers in
1. Stabilizing agricultural prices
2. Stabilizing farm incomes
3. Stabilizing agricultural Production
Which of these statements are correct

Match the following columns
Column I Column II
a. Small Farmer Development Agency (SFDA) 1. 1966 - 67
b. High yielding variety programme (HYVP) 2. 1970 - 71
c. Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP) 3. 1965
d. Multi Cropping Programme (MCP) 4. 1970 - 71

When $$\frac{{\vartriangle {{\text{X}}_1}}}{{\vartriangle {{\text{X}}_2}}} > \frac{{{\text{P}}{{\text{X}}_2}}}{{{\text{P}}{{\text{X}}_1}}}$$   then we can

When marginal product increases at a increasing rate, then

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