A start a business with Rs. 45000. After 6 months B enters in his business with Rs. 80000. After one year C invests Rs. 120000. In what ratio the profit will be divided among A, B and C ?

Three partner A, B and C started a business by investing Rs. 48000 each. After 6 months A left the business after 10 months B left the business and after 12 months C left the business. If total earned profit is Rs. 5250, then find the share of A, B and C ?

A started a business by investing some money and B invested Rs. 5000 each more than that of A. A remained in business for 5 months and B remained in business 1 month more than A. Out of the total profit of Rs. 26000, B got Rs. 6000 more than A. Find the capitals invested A and B ?

In a business, B invests half the amount invested by A. After 6 months from the start of the business, C joins the business with an amount equal to twice of B's investment. After 8 months from the start of the business B withdraws completely from the business. If at the end of the year, C's share in the profit was Rs. 2460, what was the total profit received that year ?

A, B and C entered in to a partnership by investing Rs. 15400, Rs.18200 and Rs. 12600 respectively. B left after 6 months. If after 8 months, there was a profit of Rs. 28790, then what is the share of C in the profit ?

A, B and C invested money in the ratio of $$\frac{1}{2}:\frac{1}{3}:\frac{1}{5}$$   in a business. After 4 months A doubled his investment and after 6 months B halves his investment. If the total profit at the end of the year be Rs. 34650 then find the share of each in profit ?

A and B started a business by investing Rs. 36000 and Rs. 45000 respectively. After 4 months B withdraws $$\frac{4}{9}$$ of his investment. Its 5 months after she again invested $$\frac{{11}}{9}$$ of its original investment. If the total earned profit at the end of the year, is Rs. 117240, then who will get more money as a share of profit and how much ?

A, B and C started a business by investing Rs. 24000, Rs. 32000 and Rs. 18000 respectively. A and B are active partners and get 15% and 12% of total profit and remaining profit is to be distributed among them in the ratio of their investment. If C got total Rs. 65700 as a profit, what was the total amount of profit ?

A started a business with the capital of Rs. 500. After 2 months B joined A with Rs. 400. 6 months after the business started C joined with Rs. 800. If the total profit earned at the end of the year is Rs. 444 find the share of their profit ?

A and B started a business by investing Rs. 2400 and Rs. 3600 respectively. At the end 4th months from the stat of the business, C joined with Rs. X. After 8 months from the start of the business, B withdrew Rs. 600. If C's share is Rs. 8000 in the annual profit of Rs. 22500, what was the amount C invested in the business ?

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