A barrel contains a mixture of wine and water in the ratio 3 : 1. How much fraction of the mixture must be drawn off and substituted by water so that the ratio of wine and water in the resultant mixture becomes 1 : 1 = ?

25% of A's income is equal to 35% of B's income. The ratio of the incomes of A and B is -

If x = $$\frac{1}{3}$$y and y = $$\frac{1}{2}$$z, then x : y : z is equal to

There are Rs. 225 consisting of one rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise coins. The ratio of their numbers in that order is 8 : 5 : 3. The number of one - rupee coins is = ?

An amount of money is to be distributed among P, Q ans R in the ratio of 2 : 7 : 9. The total of P's and Q's share is equal to R's share. What is the difference between the shares of P and Q ?

If a : b = 5 : 7 and c : d = 2a : 3b then ac : bd is = ?

If 2A = 3B = 4C, then A : B : C is equal to -

If x2 + 4y2 = 4xy, then x : y is -

If W1 : W2 = 2 : 3 and W1 : W3 = 1 : 2, then W2 : W3 is -

If a : b = b : c, then a4 : b4 is equal to = ?

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