1. The monthly incomes of A and B are in ratio 3 : 5 and the ratio of their saving is 2 : 3. If the income of B is equal to three times the saving of A, then what is the ratio of the expenditures of A and B?
2. Rs. 6,300 is divided between X, Y, Z such that X : Y = 7 : 5 and Y : Z
= 4 : 3. Find the share of Y.
3. A certain sum is divided between A, B, C and D such that the ratio of the shares of A and B is 1 : 3, that of B and C is 2 : 5, and that of C and D 2 : 3. If the difference the shares of A and C is Rs. 3,510, then the share of D is:
4. The income of A is $$\frac{2}{3}$$ of B's income and the expenditure of A is $$\frac{3}{4}$$ of B's expenditure. If $$\frac{1}{3}$$ of the income of B is equal to the expenditure of A, then the ratio of the savings of A to those of B is:
5. The ratio of the monthly incomes of X and Y is 5 : 4 and that of their monthly expenditures is 9 : 7. If the income of Y is equal to the expenditure of X, then what is the ratio of the saving of X and Y?
6. A sum of Rs. 1250 has to distributed among A, B, C and D. Total share of B and D is equal to (14/11) of total share of A and C. Share of D is half of share of A. Share of C is 1.2 of share of A. What are the shares of A, B, C and D respectively?
7. The ratio of boys and girls in a school is 27 : 23. If the difference between the number of boys and girls is 200, then find the number of boys.
8. Alloy A contains metals x and y only in the ratio 5 : 2 and alloy B contains these metals in the ratio 3 : 4. Alloy C is prepared by mixing A and B in the ratio 4 : 5. The percentage of x in alloy C is:
9. If $$a:b:c = \frac{1}{4}:\frac{1}{3}:\frac{1}{2},$$ then $$\frac{a}{b}:\frac{b}{c}:\frac{c}{a} = ?$$
10. The sum of three numbers is 280. If the ratio between the first and second numbers is 2 : 3 and the ratio between second and third numbers is 4 : 5, then find the second number.
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