Bed pressure drop in an air fluidised bed of catalyst particles (ρp = 200 kg/m3, Dp = 0.05 cm) of 60 cm bed depth and bed porosity of 0.5 expressed in cm of water (manometer) is
A. 90
B. 60
C. 45
D. 30
Answer: Option B
A. 90
B. 60
C. 45
D. 30
Answer: Option B
A. Thermal conductivity
B. Electrical conductivity
C. Specific gravity
D. Electrical resistivity
A. $$\frac{{\text{V}}}{{{{\text{V}}_{\max }}}} = {\left( {\frac{{\text{x}}}{{\text{r}}}} \right)^{\frac{1}{7}}}$$
B. $$\frac{{\text{V}}}{{{{\text{V}}_{\max }}}} = {\left( {\frac{{\text{r}}}{{\text{x}}}} \right)^{\frac{1}{7}}}$$
C. $$\frac{{\text{V}}}{{{{\text{V}}_{\max }}}} = {\left( {{\text{x}} \times {\text{r}}} \right)^{\frac{1}{7}}}$$
D. None of these
A. d
B. $$\frac{1}{{\text{d}}}$$
C. $$\sigma $$
D. $$\frac{l}{\sigma }$$
A. $$\frac{{4\pi {\text{g}}}}{3}$$
B. $$\frac{{0.01\pi {\text{gH}}}}{4}$$
C. $$\frac{{0.01\pi {\text{gH}}}}{8}$$
D. $$\frac{{0.04\pi {\text{gH}}}}{3}$$
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