1. Which of the following is the best method for isolating enzymes from cell free extract?
2. Absolute specificity, group specificity and optical specificity are observed by chemical catalyst.
3. Which of the following enzyme is used to join two DNA molecule
4. The rate of enzyme catalyzed reaction decreases with an increase in ionic strength if the charges are identical.
5. . . . . . . . . is an example of anionic detergent.
6. Which among them is not attribute of enzymes:
7. The rate equation for . . . . . . . . inhibition is given by $$V = {{{V_{\max }}\left[ S \right]} \over {{K_m}\left( {1 + {{\left[ P \right]} \over {{K_p}}}} \right) + \left[ S \right]}}.$$
8. The equation $${t_{{1 \over 2}}} = {{0.693} \over {{k_d}}}$$ represents . . . . . . . .
9. Koshland proposed which model:
10. If enzyme code EC belongs to aspartate amino transferase, then the code EC belongs to which enzyme?
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