81. Catalyst used in the manufacture of NH3 by Haber's process is finely divided
82. Base suspension fertiliser essentially contains
83. Temperature and pressure in ammonia converter is
84. Lower temperature and large excess of ammonia in urea melt
85. Which of the following set of conditions is favourable for the maximum yield of ammonia by Haber's process?
86. With increases in pressure, the conversion of ammonium carbamate into urea
87. Steam reforming of naphtha is a source of hydrogen production for nitrogeneous fertiliser industry. What is the usual ratio of steam to carbon maintained in the process of steam reforming of naphtha?
88. Nitrogen content of a nitrogenous fertiliser is 35%. It could be
89. Flushing liquor used for cooling coke oven gas constitutes of
90. Optimum reaction temperature in steam reforming of naphtha is __________ °C.
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