1. Heating of orthophosphoric acid to about 900°C, produces
2. A potassic fertiliser contains 50% K2O. It could be
3. Liquid ammonia is not used as such a fertiliser in tropical countries like India, because
4. Which one of the following is used as a nitrogenous fertiliser, as a weed killer in the onion fields and for correcting acidic soils?
5. Multistage operation (as in the case of catalytic oxidation of SO2) is not carried out for NH3 synthesis, because of
6. Iron is not used alone as a catalyst in ammonia synthesis, because
7. Nitrogen content in ammonium sulphate (a fertiliser) is around __________ percent.
8. Which of the following fertilisers contains the least percentage of nitrogen?
9. Conversion achieved in HNO3 synthesis with the use of platinum catalyst is about 95 - 97%. The rate of formation of nitrogen dioxide from the oxidation of nitric acid is favoured by
10. Reaction of anhydrous liquid ammonia with orthophosphoric acid produces
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