1. Cation exchange resins (0.3 to 1 mm size) used in water treatment is prepared from __________ resins.
2. Epoxy resin is
3. Neoprene which is used for making shoe heels & belts is superior to natural rubber in its stability to aerial oxidation and resistance to oils & other solvents. The monomer used for making neoprene is
4. Which of the following rubbers has the widest service temperature range (-75 to 275°C) ?
5. Phenol formaldehyde is produced by condensation polymerisation. It is also known as
6. Condensation polymerisation of formaldehyde with __________ does not produce phenolic resin.
7. Epoxy resins (i.e., epoxide polymers)
8. Condensation of bisphenol A with phosgene produces __________ which possess very good heat resistance.
9. Polyvinyl acetate is never used for making
10. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is known as
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