61. If C is creep coefficient, f is original pre-stress in concrete, m is modular ratio, E is Young's modulus of steel and e is shrinkage strain, the combined effect of creep and shrinkage is:
62. The percentage of minimum reinforcement of the gross sectional area in slabs, is
63. If R and T are rise and tread of a stair spanning horizontally, the steps are supported by a wall on one side and by a stringer beam on the other side, the steps are designed as beams of width
64. If ‘W’ is the uniformly distributed load on a circular slab of radius ‘R’ fixed at its ends, the maximum positive radial moment at its centre, is
65. The stem of a cantilever retaining wall which retains earth level with top is 6 m. If the angle of repose and weight of the soil per cubic metre are 30° and 2000 kg respectively, the effective width of the stem at the bottom, is
66. The floor slab of a building is supported on reinforced cement floor beams. The ratio of the end and intermediate spans is kept
67. An R.C.C. column is treated as short column if its slenderness ratio is less than
68. A ribbed slab is provided for
69. The thickness of the topping of a ribbed slab, varies between
70. The diameter of transverse reinforcement of columns should be equal to one-fourth of the diameter of the main steel rods but not less than
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