71. The load stress of a section can be reduced by
72. The horizontal portion of a step in a stairs case, is known as
73. An under-reinforced section means
74. The live load to be considered for an accessible roof, is
75. The live load to be considered for an inaccessible roof, is
76. The Young's modulus of elasticity of steel, is
77. If q is the punching shear resistance per unit area a, is the side of a square footing for a column of side b, carrying a weight W including the weight of the footing, the depth (D) of the footing from punching shear consideration, is
78. In favourable circumstances a 15 cm concrete cube after 28 days, attains a maximum crushing strength
79. The maximum shear stress (qmax) in a rectangular beam is
80. A pre-stressed concrete member
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