Examine the following statements and choose the correct answer:
Statement (I): Companies with Low cash reserves normally prefer Licensing mode rather than Foreign Direct Investment.
Statement (II): Cash rich firms normally prefer Foreign Direct Investment.

Which of the following are the outcomes of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of WTO which was held at Hong Kong in December 2005?
1. Resolve to complete the Doha Work Programme fully and to conclude negotiations in 2006.
2. Amendments to TRIPS agreement reaffirmed to address public health concerns of developing countries.
3. To continue export subsidies in agriculture upto 2018.
4. Duty free, quota free market access for all LDC's products to all developed countries.

Which one of the following is not correct relating to competition policy and law?

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:
List-I List-II
a. Comparative cost theory of international trade 1. Gottfried Haberler
b. International trade theory of opportunity cost 2. J. S. Mill
c. Factor endownment theory of international trade 3. David Ricardo
d. Doctrine of reciprocal demand 4. Hecksher Ohlin

Assertion (A): Under FEMA, the receiver of laundered money is to be made culpable, instead of sender/distributor.
Reason (R): FEMA differs from the earlier Exchange Regulation Act FERA with regard to penalties and punishment in case of violation of the act.

Match the items of List-I with the items of List-II and select the correct answer:
List I List II
a. Political and Legal Environment 1. Important for industries directly depending on imports or exports
b. Demographic Environment 2. Close relationship with the economic system and economic policy
c. Economic Environment 3. Related to natural resources
d. Geographical and Ecological Environment 4. Occupational and spatial mobilities of population having implications for business

Consider the following statements.
Assertion (A): The industrial growth in India has been hampered by the burden of many controls and regulations.
Reason (R): The New Industrial Policy seeks to liberate the industry from the shackles of Licensing System

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