21. What command is used to display the characteristics of a process?
22. What command is not used to list the files chap01, chap02 and chap04?
23. What command is used with vi editor to replace text from cursor to right
24. What sign is used to back up over typing errors in vi?
25. What sign is used to erase or kill an entire line you have typed and start you are on a new line (but not display a new prompt)?
26. What command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in alphabetical order?
27. What command is used with vi editor to save file and remain in the editing mode?
28. What command is used with vi editor to move back to the beginning of a word?
29. What command is used with vi editor to search a pattern in the forward direction?
30. What command is used to add printing jobs to the queue?
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