81. Supervised learning and unsupervised clustering both require at least one
82. Which of the following sentences are correct in reference to Information gain? a. It is biased towards single-valued attributes b. It is biased towards multi-valued attributes c. ID3 makes use of information gain d. The approact used by ID3 is greedy
83. Even if there are no actual supervisors . . . . . . . . learning is also based on feedback provided by the environment
84. A feature F1 can take certain value: A, B, C, D, E & F and represents grade of students from a college. Which of the following statement is true in following case?
85. When it is necessary to allow the model to develop a generalization ability and avoid a common problem called . . . . . . . .
86. Which of the following is true about Manhattan distance?
87. Suppose, you have 2000 different models with their predictions and want to ensemble predictions of best x models. Now, which of the following can be a possible method to select the best x models for an ensemble?
88. In a linear regression problem, we are using "R-squared" to measure goodness-of-fit. We add a feature in linear regression model and retrain the same model. Which of the following option is true?
89. True or False: Ensemble of classifiers may or may not be more accurate than any of its individual model.
90. In terms of bias and variance. Which of the following is true when you fit degree 2 polynomial?
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