1. Which core element of UML is being shown in the figure?

2. A graphical technique for finding if changes and variation in metrics data are meaningful is known as
3. Narrative essay is one of the best types of specification document ?
4. Which of the following is not included in the certification approach?
5. Which of the following is a disadvantage of OOD ?
6. Which of the following term is best define by the statement:"Each object is stored only once, but is accessible by all CASE tools that need it."?
7. What is used to pass SQL requests and associated data from one component to another?
8. Which of the following is required for Certification for cleanroom software engineering?
9. Which of the following is a drawback of using CASE tool?
10. The cost of re-engineering is often significantly less than the costs of developing new software.
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- Software Engineering - Section 1
- Software Engineering - Section 2
- Software Engineering - Section 3
- Software Engineering - Section 4
- Software Engineering - Section 6
- Software Engineering - Section 7
- Software Engineering - Section 8
- Software Engineering - Section 9
- Software Engineering - Section 10
- Software Engineering - Section 11