1. Which of the following property defines in a shorthand form the width, style, and color for the top border of an element?
2. Which of the following property sets the shadow for a box element?
3. Which of the following property defines a shadow effect for text?
4. Which of the following property defines a shadow color for the right and bottom edges of a scroll bar?
5. Which of the following property defines a color for the right and bottom edges of a scroll bar.
6. Which of the following property sets list-style-type, list-style-position, and liststyle-image?
7. Which of the following property assigns a graphic image to a list item?
8. Which of the following property specifies whether the labels for an element’s list items are positioned inside or outside the “box” defined by the listed item?
9. Which of the following property defines labels for a list of items?
10. Which of the following property defines in a shorthand form the width, style, and color for all four sides of an element’s border?
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