
Deletion of an employee from table also deletes that employee from another table. This kind of delete is called . . . . . . . .

A. transparent

B. concrete

C. elaborate

D. cascaded

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Transparent: This option is incorrect. "Transparent" does not describe a type of delete operation in MySQL. It does not specifically relate to deletion operations involving foreign key constraints.
Concrete: This option is incorrect. "Concrete" does not describe a type of delete operation in MySQL. It is not a term commonly used in database terminology regarding delete operations.
Elaborate: This option is incorrect. "Elaborate" does not describe a type of delete operation in MySQL. It is not a term commonly used in database terminology regarding delete operations.
Cascaded: This is the correct option. In MySQL, a cascaded delete refers to a delete operation that automatically triggers the deletion of related records in another table. It cascades the delete operation from the primary table to the related table, ensuring referential integrity and consistency in the database.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option D: cascaded, as it accurately describes the type of delete operation where deletion in one table cascades to related tables.

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