
Don’t chew panmasala, . . . . . ?

A. will you

B. should you

C. are you

D. never you

Answer: Option B

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In this context, the sentence is providing advice or a recommendation to avoid chewing panmasala. To express advice or suggestion, the phrase "should you" is commonly used in English.

So, the complete sentence would be: "Don't chew panmasala, should you?" This construction is used to make the advice more polite and indirect.

This Question Belongs to Competitive English >> Grammar

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Comments ( 6 )

  1. Mumtaz Abbas
    Mumtaz Abbas :
    8 months ago

    n this context, the sentence is providing advice or a recommendation to avoid chewing panmasala. To express advice or suggestion, the phrase "should you" is commonly used in English.

    Plz, note that an advice or a suggestion is expressed by "should" :

    You should not chew panmasala, should you?

  2. 2388 H.M
    2388 H.M :
    11 months ago

    Why not 'are you'?

  3. Shubhadeep Kayal
    Shubhadeep Kayal :
    1 year ago

    Why not 'are you option c'

  4. Sonu Monu
    Sonu Monu :
    2 years ago

    Are you

  5. Biplob Khan
    Biplob Khan :
    3 years ago

    it is imperative sentence thats why

  6. Awais Khalid
    Awais Khalid :
    4 years ago

    Why not "are you"? Plz explain

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