1. For a sine wave with peak value Emax ___________ 8.30. the average value is
2. Ohm is unit of all of the following except
3. If resistance is 20 ohms. and inductance is 27 in a R-L series circuit, then time constant of this circuit will be
4. In a loss-free R-L-C circuit the transient current is
5. Wire-wound resistors are unsuitable for use at high frequencies because they
6. The series and parallel resonance on L-C circuit' differs in that
7. At very low frequencies a series R-C circuit behaves as almost purely
8. In an A.C. circuit power is dissipated in
9. The input of an A.C. circuit having power factor of 0.8 lagging is 40 kVA
The power drawn by the circuit is
The power drawn by the circuit is
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