11. Which of the following method of speed control of D.C. machine will offer minimum efficiency?
12. A D.C. series motor is that which
13. Sparking at the commutator of a D.C. motor may result in
14. For which of the following applications a D.C. motor is preferred over an A.C. motor?
15. Which D.C. motor has got maximum self relieving property?
16. In a manual shunt motor starter
17. In Ward-Leonard control the lower limit of speed is imposed by
18. Which motor should not be started on no-load?
19. The speed of a D.C. shunt motor is required to be more than full load speed. This is possible by
20. D.C. motor is to a drive a load which is almost nil for certain part of the load cycle and peak value for short duration. We will select this
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