1. Usually wide and sensitive speed control is desired in case of
2. Which one of the following is not the function of pole shoes in a D.C. machine?
3. Which of the following tests will be suitable for testing two similar D.C. series motors of large capacity?
4. When the armature of a D.C. motor rotates, e.m.f. induced is
5. A three point starter is considered suitable for
6. Which of the following motor has the poorest speed regulation?
7. Which of the following loss in a D.C. generator varies significantly with the load current?
8. As there is no back e.m.f. at the instant of starting a D.C. motor, in order to prevent a heavy current from flowing though the armature circuit
9. In a D.C. shunt motor, under the conditions of maximum power, the current in the armature will be
10. The speed of a motor falls from 1100 r.p.m. at no-load to 1050 r.p.m. at rated load. The speed regulation of the motor is
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