71. Which D.C. motor has got maximum self loading property?
72. In D.C. machines the residual magnetism is of the order of
73. In a D.C. generator, the iron losses mainly take place in
74. For constant torque drive which speed control method is preferred?
75. By looking at which part of the motor, it can be easily confirmed that a particular motor is D.C. motor?
76. One D.C. motor drives another D.C. motor. The second D.C. motor when excited and driven
77. Where D.C. motor of H.P. 12 or more requires frequent starting, stopping, reversing and speed control
78. Ward-Leonard control is basically a
79. Which of the following motors is most suitable for signalling devices and many kinds of timers ?
80. The mechanical power developed by a shunt motor will be maximum when the ratio of back e.m.f. to applied voltage is
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