1. Quadrature multiplexing is
2. A communication channel with AWGN operating at a signal to noise ratio SNR >> 1 and bandwidth 6 has capacity C1. If the SNR is doubled keeping B constant, the resulting capacity C2 is given by
3. To obtain the transfer function of a convolutional code, the splitting of all-zero state takes place into . . . . . . . .
1. Starting state
2. First return to all-zero state
3. In-between state
1. Starting state
2. First return to all-zero state
3. In-between state
4. Which decoding method involves the evaluation by means of Fano Algorithm?
5. Which among the following compression techniques is/are intended for still images?
6. Lempel-Ziv algorithm is
7. If the errors are corrected at . . . . . . . . end/s, it is known as 'Forward Error Correction' (FEC).
8. dfree is defined as the Euclidean distance of coded signal in terms of . . . . . . . . possible distance between all allowed sequences.
9. The event with minimum probability has least number of bits.
10. For the generation of a cyclic code, the generator polynomial should be the factor of . . . . . . . .
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