11. A single mode fiber has refractive indices n1=1.50, n2 = 2.23, core diameter of 8μm, wavelength = 1.5μm cutoff wavelength = 1.214μm. Find the radius of curvature?
12. 0.4 dB/km, 1.4μm, 6μm, 550MHz. Find threshold optical power for stimulated Raman scattering.
13. A single mode fiber has a zero dispersion wavelength of 1.21μm and a dispersion slope of 0.08 psnm-2km-1. What is the total first order dispersion at wavelength 1.26μm.
14. Linear scattering effects are . . . . . . . . in nature.
15. For many applications that involve optical fiber transmission, an intensity modulation optical source is not required.
16. Which equation is used to calculate MFD?
17. . . . . . . . . results from a case of nonlinear dispersion compensation in which the nonlinear dispersion compensation in which the nonlinear chirp caused by self-phase modulation balances, postpones, the temporal broadening induced by group velocity delay.
18. When λ is the optical wavelength in vacuum, k is given by $$k = \frac{{2\pi }}{\lambda }.$$ What does k stand for in the
19. An alternative modification of the dispersion characteristics of single mode fibers involves achievement of low dispersion gap over the low-loss wavelength region between . . . . . . . .
20. Digital transmission is more likely to be affected by modal noise.
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